This is a backup of the original site, this fanlist is now closed and under new management.

Return to the current frontpage for more details.

Welcome to Forever Loyal, the approved fanlisting for Yakkuru, Ashitaka’s faithful Red Elk from the Anime Feature Film Mononoke Hime.

This site was Last Updated: June 19th 2007 (No New Members - adoption in progress)

50 Member Milestone Reached! (23/06/05)

We have 77 Members from 18 Countries

Newest Members: Eric Kalin , Moonwolf2000, PochaccoPaws, Moosehunter, and Straight Up Vick

Forever Loyal is open for all applications.

This version of Forever Loyal has been run, maintained and designed by since 14th July 2004.

Previously owned by Lena (, Forever Loyal has existed since February 3rd, 2004.


{{    Iron Fist  :  the official Lady Eboshi fanlisting    }} Time To Live- the Ashitaka and San Relationship FL Spirit of the Beast: A Princess Mononoke Fansite Laputa: Castle in the Sky Fanlisting

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"What is a Fanlist?"

The Anime Fanlistings Network states that "A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join. Fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject.".

"What is Mononoke Hime?"

The Romanised title of a Miyazaki / Studio Ghibli Anime feature Film. It was released in the west with its literal title: “Princess Mononoke”. Mononoke is the story of  Ashitaka (a young Japanese Prince) who journeys to cure a curse inflicted by a demon that attacked his people. In the west, he finds Humans warring with the gods of the forest, each side lead by a remarkably brave woman – Eboshi, the compassionate but ambitious ruler of Iron Town and San, a beautiful wolf-girl raised by the wolf-god, Moro. Can Ashitaka save his new friends from themselves, or will they all be consumed by the terrible hate that dwells within all those affected by war?

"Who or What is Yakkuru?"

Also known as Yakkul or Yakkle, he is Ashitaka’s beautiful and distinct steed. A Red Elk (actually a fictional animal created by Miyazaki-San) who stands beside Ashitaka through many battles and perilous journeys.

Effectively exiled from his people, Ashitaka’s only real companion is Yakkuru, and they form a brilliant and enduring bond that frequently involves considerable risks and displays of loyalty: Ashitaka frequently puts himself in danger to save Yakkuru, and Yakkuru never once leaves his master’s side (even when San offers him freedom from his Human master). In a film full of fantastical animal gods, Yakkuru isn’t even empowered with speech (at least, not to “proper” Humans): He is a wonderful character because he appears so real and of course, because he is Forever Loyal.



1. You must be a fan of Yakkuru. Obviously.

2. You don’t need a website, but you do need a valid Email Address.

3. If you wish your website to be listed, you must first link back to this site using either a graphic or text hyperlink. Sites containing pornography, hate, illegal downloads or anything else I take a disliking to will not be linked. 

4. No fictional or non-specific countries in the country field! It is standard for the United Kingdom to be split into England, Wales etc. for example.

5. Please use a real name or sensible alias. C10ud_15_73H_1337_H4X0R is not a valid name: “Cloud” and “Humphrey” are perfectly acceptable.


~ Click Here to see the Codes ~


Have you read all the rules? Okies, now you’re clear to join :) Just fill out all the required fields and any optional fields you feel like. If the form isn’t working, click with the same information.

Updating Information?

If your Email, Country, Website or even your Name have changed, email your current details (as they appear on the list, including ID Numbers) and the changes you wish to make to them.





If you have any comments / feedback: 


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~ Click Here to see the Members List ~ - The one-stop resource for Studio Ghibli based information. Everything from Laputa: Castle in the Sky to Neko no Onaegashi and beyond (and indeed, Before!) - The “kupoartistry network”, a collection of random little sites by the kupoartist. - Lena’s (really rather pretty and feature filled) Personal and Collective Site. Lena was responsible for the original Forever Loyal Fanlist.

kupoartist’s other fanlists

Moonlight Butterfly - Turn-A Gundam [Anime: Series]

Uragirimono - Emma Sheen (Zeta Gundam) [Anime: Characters]

Illustrated Girl - Relm Arrowny (Final Fantasy VI) [Games]

Arbitrary Imposition - The G-Man (Half-Life) [Games]

PuppeteerShodan (System Shock) [Games]


I do not own Yakkuru, Mononoke Hime or any of the artwork on this site in any way or form. These are the intellectual properties of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. I did however, put a lot of effort into tracking down, manipulating and coding the images and layout of this site and would be grateful if you didn’t steal unless where I have given explict permission to do so.

Forever Loyal is listed at: