
Fanlistings are small sites that list fans of a particular subject - the premier site for fanlisting is , which approves subjects in a variety of categories. The sites below are all TFL approved. In addition, all Anime/Manga fanlists are listed at / approved by 

Anime/Manga: Characters/Items                                                                   

Name: Forever Loyal

Subject: Yakkuru (Mononoke Hime)

Adopted: From Lena on the 14th of July, 2004

Extra Info: Nothing of note.

My 2nd Fanlist.


Name: Uragirimono

Subject: Emma Sheen (Zeta Gundam)

Since: 3rd of February, 2006

Extra Info: Nothing of note.

My 6th Fanlist.


Anime/Manga: Series                                                                                   

Name: Moonlight Butterfly

Subject: ∀Gundam (Called Turn-A Gundam)

Since: 16th of August, 2005

Extra Info: Optional "Favorite Character and MS" fields

My 5th Fanlist.


Games: Characters                                                                                      

Name: an illustrated girl

Subject: Relm Arrowny (Final Fantasy VI)

Since: the 23rd of August, 2004

Extra Info: Optional 'Gender' field, Relm quotes and a Fanart section. 

My 3rd Fanlist.


Name: Arbitrary Imposition

Subject: the G-Man (Half-Life Series)

Since: the 28th of April, 2005

Extra Info: Large Extras section, with Sightings and Scripts from the games.

My 4th Fanlist.


Name: Puppeteer

Subject: Shodan (System Shock series)

Since: the 24th of June, 2004

Extra Info: "Jukebox bar" (two system shock tracks) and Scary roleplay!

My 1st Fanlist.