Please read the fanlisting's rules written here before heading over to the Join form. The rules are designed so that everyone who applies should be listed, but I do reserve the right to suspend your listing until any problems are rectified.



1. Clearly, you have to be a fan of Turn-A Gundam... Why else would you want to join a fanlist?!


2. You don’t need a website, but you do need a valid Email Address. If for whatever reason you do not want your email listed, please email me and I will remove your address for


3. If you wish your website to be listed, you must first link back to this site using either a graphic or text hyperlink. Sites containing pornography, hate, illegal downloads or anything else I take a disliking to will not be linked.


4. No fictional countries in the country field! You are not from Inglessa or the Moon. I can be 100% certain of that and I will not add you until you supply a proper country. For the record, all UK countries will be listed as "UK". Having run fanlists for a while now, I've found it too much hassle to chase up people who don't choose England or Wales or whatever.


5. Please use a real name or sensible alias.  OMGWTGMUSTACHIO!!!111 is not a valid name: “Princess Laura” and “Scatman John” would be perfectly acceptable.


6. The "Favorite Character" and "Favorite MS" (Mobile Suit) fields are a bit of optional fun.